Can Maltipoos be Trained to Use a Doorbell?

Yes! Maltipoos can be trained to use a doorbell. Some dogs will instinctively let out a short bark or start circling near the door when they need to potty, but others… Well, some aren't so quick to develop obvious potty habits to alert their human companions. Using a doorbell to signal their need to use the bathroom can be a lifesaver and eliminate the many accidents we all dread during potty training! So how does it work?

TIP: Utilize My Doodle Maltipoo's Obedience Training to fine-tune other commands and lay the foundation for potty training!

Choosing the Right Doorbell

There are many different doorbells for dogs, so it can be hard to decide which one will work best for your Maltipoo. Most doorbells are relatively accessible to all dogs, but small dogs like the Maltipoo can have a little trouble reaching if the doorbell is mounted too high. In the case of electric doorbells, Maltipoos may have a more difficult time pushing the button itself, reading the reviews, particularly from small dog owners, to see if the button is easily pressed or takes a large amount of force. This information will give you some insight into whether or not it's a good fit for your Maltipoo.

We've found the most success with the hanging type dog doorbells like this one from Folksmate!

These bells are easily moved and hang down low enough for your Maltipoo to reach without much effort; they also tend to be the cheapest option for new pet owners still getting the hang of things. With new puppy pet insurance and the monthly expenses for your Maltipoo, you may not want to splurge on a potty bell. 


Teaching Your Maltipoo to Use a Doorbell to Potty

  1. Introduce your Maltipoo to the new doorbell. Allow your dog to explore its sound and do some desensitization sessions for engagement with the bell and overall interest. Take care to ensure that your puppy isn't afraid of the doorbell before any further training.

  2. Train a "touch" command. Encourage your Maltipoo to either make contact with the bell using a paw or his nose, praising and offering treats every time your puppy touches the bell, conditioning the "touch" command.

  3. Install the bell. Whether this means mounting it on the wall simply hanging it over the doorknob, put the bell in its permanent location near the door you'll be using most often for potty breaks. Push the button or ring the bell yourself each time you go outside. Doing so will help your Maltipoo build an association between the bell sound and going outside to potty.

  4. Generalize the "touch" command. Now that the bell is mounted, use the "touch" command to encourage your Maltipoo to engage his nose or paw with the bell. Once the bell has been rung, quickly rush outside while praising and offer a treat to your dog. Your dog will begin to see the correlation between the bell sound and heading straight out.

  5. Practice in your daily life! Once you've made it this far, continue to condition your Maltipoo to the potty bell by commanding your dog to "touch" the bell every time before going outside. Consistency is key! Building this habit will result in your Maltipoo pressing the bell on his own to be let out!

Avoiding Common Issues

Ringing the bell to play outside

To avoid having your Maltipoo ring the bell incessantly because he wants to play, you can make it clear what the bell is used for. You should only do this after the initial training concept has been learned. Once you've established how much fun it is to ring the bell during training, redirect your dog, letting him out in the potty area for only around 5-10 minutes. Praise if he's gone potty, then back inside. If your dog doesn't eliminate, head straight back inside without playing. 

Dedicating individual training sessions to taking your Maltipoo outdoors to play without ringing the bell and to potty when you do ring the bell will help him understand the difference. Still, it is a complex concept for young dogs, so be patient and consistent to seal the idea. Including playtime indoors will make the outdoors less appealing and help curb the behavior.

Ringing the bell when you're not home

Putting a stop to bell ringing when no one's home is usually a simple fix; remove the bell when you're not home since there will be no one to answer his potty request anyways. By eliminating the bell, putting it up high where he can't reach or crating your puppy while you're away, you will prevent your Maltipoo from ringing the bell when no one's around. If you notice your Maltipoo whining or crying, it may be time to consider how long your puppy can hold it.

Potty training your Maltipoo using a dog doorbell is a great way to increase your dog's ability to communicate, bond through training, and show off to your friends!


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