Winter Guide for Small Dogs

People wonder how to keep their small dogs warm during these cold times. Mini and toy dogs like Maltipoos tend to get colder a lot faster than their larger counterparts, so the owners of these dogs will want to take more precautions to keep their dog warm and healthy. 

Dogs start to get uncomfortable in temperatures as cold as 46 degrees Fahrenheit and dogs with no undercoat are more in danger of these freezing temperatures.

Small Dogs in the Cold

Small dogs get cold faster than large dogs because they don’t have the second undercoat most large breeds have. The fat in their body also helps protect them from the cold, and since they have less body fat, it doesn’t keep them as warm, and the cold can get to their insides a lot faster.

How to Keep Your Dog Warm Outside

Different people have their preferences and you might have your own things that you like to do, but here are a few things you could do to combat the cold.

  • Dog coat or sweater

  • Scarf

  • Neckwarmer

  • Dog boots

Some people don’t think about getting their Maltipoo dog boots, but they might be necessary. It gets freezing for your dog’s feet, and they could be trying to walk through the snow most of the time. Also, walking on the sidewalk will be cold for your dog’s feet, which will make it more likely for them to get sick. When dogs come in from the walk, their feet could have picked up something dangerous and poisonous, like ice melt, so having boots will prevent them from eating things like this. Getting your dog boots is the best way to keep them warm and ensure they don’t get sick.

You don’t have to get everything but make sure you take care of your dog and notice the signs they are too cold. If they are noticeably shaking, then it is too cold for them, and you need to take immediate action to warm them up. 

Extra Tips

You don’t want to bathe your dog as often during the cold weather because that will make their skin dry. If they get dirty, you will want to use a damp washcloth and keep a humidifier in your house to keep the air moist.

Your dog will need to stay inside during the cold months because it will get too cold for them, and they could get hypothermia.


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